Education/School Boards

The attack against our children in the area of EDUCATION is beyond alarming. Who could have imagined a decade ago the level of perversion pushed on our children today? Yet, an Awakening has begun and Revival is coming to a school near you!

Collective Effort

Led by Julie Pickren, member of the Texas State Board of Education for District 7, the Education Collective consists of grassroots, legislative, legal, and parent groups focused on returning Biblical values and parental rights back to school systems through values-based curriculum, attentive school boards, strategic legislation and policy, plus active parent engagement.

The model in Texas is achieving results and starting a long- awaited turn in the tide. Now we are going to other states.

Julie Pickren

Texas State Board of Education Member | District 7
Education AGAINST our Children
Education FOR our Children


The Great Awakening Project provides operational support and facilitation to expand collaborative calls for the Education Collective into targeted states and nationally to strategically tackle educational issues affecting the livelihoods and futures of our children.

Get Involved

Learn more about the Education Collective or other collectives impacting the nation with Revival and Awakening.
For general information about The Great Awakening Project (GAP), please reach out to us.