For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.
Ephesians 6:10
Prayer Collective
We are in a spiritual war for our nation. Prayer is both the first line of defense and the strategic offense. The Head of the Lord’s Armies is directing His generals to pray for specific areas and they direct their prayer warriors to pray strategically, proactively, and continually.
They intercede, stand in the gap, and decree and declare over our nation at the direction of the Lord of Hosts. Prayer prepares the ground for the seeds of the Gospel to take root and bring forth a harvest of Revival and Awakening.
Pray America
Directed by an original founder and board member of The Great Awakening Project, the Prayer Collective brings together more than a dozen powerful ministries with significant prayer networks.
Through regular collaborative calls and in special circumstances, The Prayer Council, as the group is named, intercedes in unity for the nation, its leaders, and Revival and Awakening, strategically directing spiritual warfare as led by the Spirit of God. The Great Awakening Project provides operational support for the calls.
Get Involved
- With Collectives
Learn more about the Prayer Collective or other collectives impacting the nation with Revival and Awakening.
- With GAP
For general information about The Great Awakening Project (GAP), please reach out to us.