
Ford Taylor
Transformational Leadership
An internationally-recognized leadership development speaker, trainer, and author, Ford’s robust curriculum is used extensively in corporations, governments, and civic initiatives.

Chuck Proudfit
At Work On Purpose
Leading the nation’s largest citywide workplace ministry, Chuck focuses on vocational and cultural flourishing to mobilize working Christians for collective Kingdom impact across organizations, industries, and communities.
Leaders Ford and Chuck pioneered the City Impact Initiative starting in Cincinnati, OH, learning from trial and error. What took years to build the first time, now takes much less time as proven Best Practices are implemented.
Since the first effort in Cincinnati, the City Impact leadership team has launched Dayton, OH, Abbeville, SC, Orlando, FL, and most recently Milwaukee, Wl. The Great Awakening Project has had the privilege of helping to fund Dayton, has watched the successes of Abbeville and Orlando, while working to fund additional cities. Today, Atlanta and Fort Worth have been partially funded from donors within the city and other cities are in the works.