What We Do

For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ.

Romans 12:4-5

Understanding what We Do

Culture is our way of life, shaped by spheres of influence like education, government, faith, family, business, leisure…

In these spheres, different organizations can each bring together likeminded people around one mission to influence the culture, much like a hand (sphere) has individual fingers (single organizations) with power to poke or scratch or point on their own (mission).

Though each finger functions as the best finger possible, if it does not coordinate with the other fingers, then the hand cannot fully serve in its complete role within the Body. Yet, what power when in unity!

When leaders of organizations in a sphere of influence purposefully, strategically, coordinate and take action TOGETHER to impact their culture for the Kingdom of God, each doing its part while working in unity, what can stop the movement? No one! They move in harmony as one.

But, who connects these leaders together? This is what we do.

The Great Awakening Project identifies key leaders in cultural spheres, brings them together on calls and in person to start conversations, leading to strategic, powerful plans of action for the Kingdom of God.